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 rubbgaskete rubbgaskete .


The downward spiral that we have previously warned

The increases are in response to the US announcing it wholesale silicone rubber will impose tariffs on USD 200 billion worth of Chinese-made goods starting next week. Those plans include “Made in China 2025,” which calls for creating powerful Chinese entities to compete in robotics and other fields.At the root of the trade war are US complaints about China’s plans to try to overtake US technological supremacy.

The administration is targeting a bewildering variety of goods — from sockeye salmon to baseball gloves to bamboo mats — forcing US companies to scramble for suppliers outside China, absorb the import taxes or pass along the غير مجاز مي باشدt to their customers.”The trade gap means China will run out of US imports to tax while the US still has plenty of Chinese imports to target.The US taxes are targeting Chinese goods that Washington says have benefited from improper industrial policies.Last week, the American Chambers of Commerce in China and in Shanghai reported 52 per cent of more than 430 companies that responded to a survey said they have faced slower customs clearance and increased inspections and bureaucratic procedures. “I urge China’s leaders to take swift action to end their country’s unfair trade practices. The US says the plans are based on stolen technology, violate China’s market-opening commitments and might erode American industrial leadership.“China has had many opportunities to fully address our concerns,” Trump said in a statement.”In the first two rounds of tariffs, the Trump administration took care to try to spare American consumers from the direct impact of the import taxes. And in a victory for Apple Inc.China’s Finance Ministry said its tariff increases are aimed at curbing “trade friction” and the “unilateralism and protectionism of the United States. The tariffs will start at 10 per cent, then rise to 25 per cent on Jan. But Beijing has other ways to retaliate.

“The downward spiral that we have previously warned about now seems certain to materialize,” said William Zarit, the chamber’s chairman.American companies and trading partners including the European Union and Japan have longstanding complaints about Chinese market barriers and industrial policy.Trump has also complained about America’s gaping trade deficit — USD 336 billion last year — with China, its biggest trading partner.”The two countries have already imposed import taxes on USD 50 billion worth of each other’s goods.., the administration removed smart watches and some other consumer electronics products. If the United States insists on raising tariffs even more, China will respond accordingly,' finance ministry said in a statement. That would raise the total affected by US penalties to USD 517 billion, covering nearly everything China sells to the United States.Trump has strained relations with potential allies including the European Union, Canada and Mexico by raising tariffs on imported steel and aluminium. The tariffs focused on industrial products, not on things Americans buy at the mall or via Amazon. He demanded Canada and Mexico renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement to make it more favourable to the United States.

“No one will emerge victorious from this counter-productive cycle. American companies say regulators are already starting to disrupt their operations.“Contrary to views in Washington, China can — and will — dig its heels in and we are not optimistic about the prospect for a resolution in the short term,” said Zarit of the American Chamber of Commerce.By expanding the list to USD 200 billion of Chinese products, Trump may spread the pain to ordinary households. President Donald Trump threatened to add an additional USD 267 billion in Chinese imports to the target list if China retaliated for the latest US taxes.”There was no word on whether China would back out of trade talks it said it was invited to by the US, but a Chinese Commerce Ministry statement said the US increase “brings new uncertainty to the consultations. But they object to Trump’s tactics and warn the dispute could chill global economic growth and undermine international trade regulation

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The tariffs were to go into effect from Monday midnight

India last year equated high profit margins of medical device makers with "illegal profiteering", capping prices for some heart stents - small wire-mesh structures used to treat blocked arteries - and knee implants, to help poor patients. India is the world&China wholesale auto door seal39;s biggest buffalo meat exporter but has failed to make much headway in the US market because of Washington's insistence that a country be free from foot-and-mouth disease."We are closely negotiating a discrete package of trade issues.The new policy proposal, which is favoured by both J&J and Boston Scientific according to company letters seen by Reuters, would help manufacturers who have argued that outright price caps were at times below their import غير مجاز مي باشدts and led to losses.

That measure provoked a storm of criticism from US companies, such as Abbott Laboratories, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and Boston Scientific, which said such controls hurt innovation and future investment plans."Capping Margins, Not PricesUS companies are hungrily watching an Indian economy that is growing at more than 8 per cent, as they seek presence in a market that has potential for massive growth. These affect firms such as Apple Inc and Qualcomm Inc with plans to set up operations in India.PM Modi's office did not respond to a request for comment.

The recommendation has still to be accepted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's office, another source said. At an estimated USD 126 billion, US goods and services trade with India last year was less than a fifth of its trade with China.US President Donald Trump, who dislikes multilateral trade agreements, said earlier this month that India had approached the United States to "start doing a trade deal," without giving any details.".The United States has complained that India's tariffs are among the highest in the world, and cover a range of IT equipment, including circuit boards, screens and memory chips.Breakthrough in farm productsOne of the main areas where India is likely to benefit will be agricultural trade, with Washington expected to grant concessions making it easier for Indian exporters of products like rice, mangoes, table grapes and lychees, the sources said."Our relationship with the US unlike many other nations has not deteriorated," said an Indian government official involved in the talks.New Delhi is also discussing how to meet stringent US standards to sell bovine meat.New Delhi retaliated by raising tariffs on a number of US products but has held back from implementing them while it negotiates a package to smoothen ties.Indian farmers and US manufacturers of medical devices could be among the main winners in a trade package under negotiation, as Washington and New Delhi look to remove long-standing irritants to ties, sources familiar with the talks said.The current discussions, however, are focussed on removing outstanding sources of friction, and are not aimed at creating a bilateral free trade agreement, sources from both sides said.Unlike some other countries India failed to be given a waiver after the Trump administration imposed new import tariffs on steel and aluminium imports in March.

Two government sources said the think tank had recommended allowing a maximum 65 per cent trade margin -- the difference between the price at which a company sells to its stockists, after recovering its operational expenses, and the price paid by patients. Last year, US exports of medical devices and equipment to India totalled USD 863 million.Having s******mished for months over tit-for-tat tariffs on steel and some agricultural products, the two sides began talks in June that also cover India's concerns over US steel tariffs and US problems with Indian tariffs on imported IT equipment. It will amount to a pretty substantive agreement," said a source with knowledge of the negotiations.Neither the office of the United States Trade Representative nor India's trade ministry responded to a request for comment.The US has also been urging India to lower the input غير مجاز مي باشدts of components for IT that would allow US companies to manufacture in India as part of PM Modi's flagship Make-in-India campaign.

"But if you think relations have become very friendly with a lot of bonhomie, I don't think that has happened either.For its part, # the US wants to sell more almonds to India, the world's top buyer, cherries and eventually dairy products."But we need to reach an agreement on everything that's on the table.5 billion of rice shipped annually from India, the world's top rice exporter."In this kind of a package, everything is interlinked even though our mutual concerns are on different issues," one of the sources said. New Delhi wants to sell basmati rice but US agencies have in the past flagged concerns over the presence of chemical residues in the rice.Having already waded into bigger fights with China and the European Union, Trump has previously called out India for unfair trade practices.The two sides are exploring ways to open the US market for certain grades of bovine meat from India, according to the government negotiator and the other sources familiar with the talks.One of the most prominent trade issues to erupt during Trump's presidency has involved India's treatment of medical devices imported from the United States. The tariffs were to go into effect from Monday midnight but the government issued an order saying these had been deferred until November 2.In June, India's federal think tank NITI Aayog invited industry views on a new policy which would cap trade margins, and not prices, to help patients while allowing the industry "reasonable profits".Currently, the US imports just a small fraction of the USD 5.The source said the two sides expected to close the deal in the next few weeks

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Here’s what science says about some of them

An extra piece of pie or one gigantic holiday feast won’t doom you, says Indiana University’s Vreeman. In fact, more than 95 percent of them required zero medical care,” she said. But contrary to popular belief, suicides peak in springtime, not winter.MOODY BLUESThe same things that can make holidays merry — great expectations and family time — can also be stressful. University of Florida microbiologist Brent Christner has found that bacteria commonly found on plants are surprisingly abundant ice “nucleators” present in snow from populated areas, barren mountain peaks and even Antarctica. The problem is that’s going to wear off and you’re going to have an even worse hangover.

Research suggests it affects about 6 percent of the US population and rates are higher in Scandinavia.”So what about that saying, “hair of the dog?” According to an old folk remedy, a dog bite could be cured by putting the animal’s hair in the wound.“There are a lot more things to be worried about in making you sick than ingesting snowflakes,” he said.So is catching snowflakes on your tongue a bad idea?“There’s a yuck factor,” Christner said. Flour is another culprit. According to a Western Journal of Emergency Medicine China wholesale rubber seal strip research review, the plants’ toxic reputation “stems from a single unconfirmed death of a 2-year-old in Hawaii in 1919. The problem, she says, is that the extra pound or two at holiday time becomes a pattern year after year and adds up. To form snowflakes, moisture high in the atmosphere is frozen by clinging to particles that may include dust specks or soot.. Poinsettias belong to the same botanical family as rubber plants that produce latex, so some skin rashes occur in people allergic to latex. Some patients had eaten or handled raw dough made with flour contaminated with that bacteria. One often-cited study says it’s commonly assumed that the average American gains 5 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. No one has figured out why. “It’s better than yellow snow.“In none of those cases were there deaths or serious injury.DOUGHN’T EAT ITBakers beware: sampling holiday cookie dough, or any raw dough, can make you sick. Mild rashes from touching the plants or nausea from chewing or eating the leaves may occur but they aren’t deadly, for humans or their pets.”Rachel Vreeman, an Indiana University paediatrician who has researched holiday myths, cited a study on more than 20,000 poison control centre reports involving contact with poinsettias.

Here’s what science says about some of them. Here’s what science says about some of them:FLOWER POWERPoinsettias, those showy holiday plants with red and green foliage, are not nearly as harmful as a persistent myth says.A headline on a Food and Drug Administration consumer update sums up the agency’s advice: “Raw dough’s a raw deal. Other studies have found it’s closer to 2 pounds, still barely enough to make your pants feel tight. But the study authors found the average was a little less than 1 pound. Holiday blues are a real thing for many people grieving loss or absence of a loved one, and wintertime can trigger true but transient depression in some people, a condition sometimes called seasonal affective disorder. And recent research says it’s not just because dough often contains raw eggs, which may harbour salmonella bacteria.”THE BOTTOM LINEThe truth about holiday weight gain depends on whether your Champagne glass is half empty or half full.”Alcohol is dehydrating so replenishing with lots of water or other non-alcoholic drinks can help relieve the symptoms.The anglicized name comes from Joel Poinsett, a 19th century US diplomat who brought the plant back from Mexico.”He said the number of bacteria in snow would probably be about 100-fold less than in the same amount of bottled water. Authorities recalled 10 million pounds of flour, some of which had been sold to restaurants that allow children to play with the raw dough while waiting for their meals. A study published last month in the New England Journal of Medicine details a 2016 E. Add germs to that list.

Are poinsettias really poisonous? Are snowflakes really pure as the driven snow? Does feasting really put on the pounds? Sure as sugarplums, myths and misconceptions pop up every holiday season.HAIR OF THE DOGForget that bloody mary. coli outbreak that hit dozens of people in 24 states that was linked with flour.THE WHITE STUFFTo form snowflakes, moisture high in the atmosphere is frozen by clinging to particles that may include dust specks or soot. But experts emphasize that prevention is the healthiest cure.Says Koob: “It all boils down to, don’t drink too much. It’s linked with lack of sunlight in winter and some scientists think affected people overproduce the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. Baking generally kills any bacteria.Here’s what George Koob, director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, has to say about that:“You are in a sense self-medicating a mild withdrawal syndrome by drinking more

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America’s closest ally in Asia

Germany’s Volkswagen, Europe’s largest automaker, warned that the decision could start a trade war that no side would win. demands on NAFTA. The European Union and China said they will deepen ties on trade and investment as a result.In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Thursday that the tariffs were “totally unacceptable.“This is stupid.”The White House released a statement from Trump on Thursday night saying of NAFTA, “Earlier today, this mesغير مجاز مي باشدe was conveyed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada: The United State (sic) will agree to a fair deal, or there will be no deal at all.The steel and aluminium tariffs could also complicate the administration’s efforts to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico, a pact that Trump has condemned as a job-killing “disaster.The import duties threaten to drive up prices for American consumers and companies and are likely to heighten uncertainty for businesses and investors around the globe.

The import duties will give a boost to American makers of steel and aluminium by making foreign metals more expensive.House Speaker Paul Ryan and several leading Republicans in Congress were critical of the administration’s tariff action.”Trump’s move makes good on his campaign promise to crack down on trading partners that he claims exploit poorly negotiated trade agreements to run up big trade surpluses with the United States.Likewise, the Trump trade team sought to use the tariff threat to pressure Europe into reducing barriers to US products. This is exactly what happened in the wholesale auto rubber 1930s.84.The world’s two biggest economies have threatened to impose tariffs on up to USD 200 billion worth of each other’s products.”.Ross said there was “no longer a very precise date when they may be concluded,” and that as a result, Canada and Mexico were added to the list of countries hit with tariffs.”Trump had offered the two US neighbours a permanent exemption from the steel and aluminium tariffs if they agreed to U.“Canada is a secure supplier of aluminium and steel to the US defense industry, putting aluminium in American planes and steel in American tanks,” Trudeau said.The EU earlier threatened to counterpunch by targeting US products, including Kentucky bourbon, blue jeans and motorcycles.“Any government that embarks on a protectionist path inflicts the most damage on itself,” he added. It’s counterproductive,” former British trade minister Francis Maude told the BBC. Ross is leaving Friday for Beijing for talks aimed at preventing a trade war with China. But the NAFTA talks stalled. But the two sides could not reach an agreement.” Canada announced plans to slap tariffs on USD 12.”Trump had originally imposed the tariffs in March, saying a reliance on imported metals threatened national security.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says the tariffs — 25 per cent on imported steel, 10 per cent on aluminium from Canada, Mexico and the European Union — take effect on Friday. But he exempted Canada, Mexico and the European Union to buy time for negotiations — a reprieve that expired at midnight on Thursday. David O’Sullivan, the EU’s ambassador in Washington, said the retaliation will probably be announced in late June.“This is protectionism, pure and simple,” said Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission. “That Canada could be considered a national security threat to the United States is inconceivable.”

Macron pledged the riposte would be “firm” and “proportionate” and in line with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Ryan said there are better ways to help American workers and consumers and that he plans to work with Trump on “those better options.8 billion worth of US products, ranging from steel to yogurt and toilet paper.Countries around the world fought back on Friday against President Donald Trump’s decision to slap tariffs on steel and aluminium imports, announcing retaliatory countermeasures and warning that the US plan will hurt US consumers. Stock prices slumped amid fears of a trade war, with the Dow Jones industrial average falling nearly 252 points, or 1 per cent, to 24,415.The US tariffs coincide with — and could complicate — the Trump administration’s separate fight over Beijing’s strong-arm tactics to overtake US technological supremacy.And the tariffs will allow domestic steel and aluminium producers to raise prices, squeezing companies — from automakers to can producers — that buy those metals.Macron warned that “economic nationalism leads to war.Other countries, including Japan, America’s closest ally in Asia, are already paying the tariffs.S.French President Emmanuel Macron said in a statement on Friday that he told Trump in a phone call that the new US tariffs on European, Mexican and Canadian goods are illegal and a “mistake.Trump had campaigned for president on a promise to crack down on trading partners that he said exploited poorly negotiated trade agreements to run up big trade surpluses with the US. But companies in the US that use imported steel will face higher غير مجاز مي باشدts.Mexico complained that the tariffs will “distort international trade” and said it will penalize US imports including pork, apples, grapes, cheeses and flat steel

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But sadly, the Mi Soundbar is only available

The speaker is great for watching television serials and casual audio.5-inch woofer drivers for bass. Xiaomi has provided an SPDIF cable within the box to help you get started, but if you prefer the usual Aux-in method, you may have to invest in a cable from your end. The Mi Soundbar is a good alternative for getting better audio from your average-sounding television speakers.

The speaker has a simple control panel that rests on the top of the unit. If you have your TV placed in a larger hall, you would probably not enjoy the audio performance as promised and we would recommend a different audio setup. Do note that the audio performance is also affected by the dimensions of your room and also the type and placement of the furniture around the room. Optionally, you can also connect using Bluetooth, but we would not recommend it as there would be a noticeable lag between the audio and video on your television, which will ruin your movie experience.The soundbar is built using a tough plastic and is wall mountable. So if you damage the power adapter, you will have to head to Xiaomi for a replacement as conventional power adapters available in the market will not work here. We found that the bass is higher than usual and it can be toned down using the television’s audio settings / EQ modes.

Sadly, the Mi Soundbar has no remote control and you will have to physically operate the speaker for changing modes or adjusting the volume.If you want theatre-like effects with multi-channel sound and thumps and thuds, opting for a good expensive home theatre setup is what we recommend. While the volume can be automatically controlled by the source, you will have to make that physical move to switch modes. However, since they are placed in a single unit, upfront, you may not enjoy that perfect stereo or surround sound experience. It features seven buttons — two for volume, and one each for Bluetooth (v4. There are individual LEDs that denote the mode of inputs against each of these buttons.2), Aux-in, Line-in, SPDIF and Optical-in modes. Nevertheless, while this speaker is meant for a single purpose — soundbar for your TV — we probably assume you will never need to change that mode ever. Nevertheless, once you have tweaked the audio to your taste, you can sit back and enjoy the show. Xiaomi has opted for the white colour to match their entire range of lifestyle and home appliances, which has also won them the Mi Look award. But don’t expect these speakers to give you that pristine audio oomph that it high-end rivals can deliver.

But the major sacrifice was the audio quality.Xiaomi recently announced their entry into the audio segment by launching the Mi Soundbar. It features one of the slimmest LCD panels one can imagine. The Mi Soundbar can be connected to your television via its headphone jack or A/V out ports. The higher bass could interfere with the mids and force you to cut down the bass accordingly.The Xiaomi Mi Soundbar is a single speaker unit that sports four speakers inside a long and wide chassis. You can also place the speakers on a table — China auto door seal rubber pads on the bottom will ensure the speaker does not vibrate or move. But though the TV sports Dolby audio, the built-in speakers are very tiny and the audio quality took a major hit, forcing users to opt for external speakers to enjoy the large screen entertainment. While the white colour looks great and rich, it probably won’t match entirely with your television as most TVs are black in colour and some may sport a silver bezel.Take for example Xiaomi’s Mi TV 4 which is one if the thinnest television available to date. Nevertheless, these speakers are a good value for money as they perform as expected, give you an audio performance that your television can never produce and are superbly priced. This is more noticeable, especially when watching television serials where dialogues are more important. The brand states that unlike the Chinese variant, this version has been specially tweaked for the Indian audience because Indians like more bass performance than others. This is not an issue of the speaker but is the problem of the Bluetooth technology itself.

However, tweaking the audio presets in your TV can help and you may find yourself tweaking the presets initially to find the perfect balance for your personal experience. Flat screen televisions that feature LCD/IPS/OLED displays are now slimmer than ever. Lastly, the speaker runs off a non-standard external 16V power brick.In particular, we did find that the audio performance differs between music, music and dialogue, and you may occasionally find yourself tweaking the audio equalizer on your television to bet the perfect audio output.To enhance the bass a little more, it makes use of four 70mm x 55mm passive radiators that help produce better bass and help the speakers gain from lost bass frequencies. More recent televisions and smart TVs can also connect to the soundbar using a SPDIF co-axial cable or an optical cable.5 inches in height and 32. With aesthetics playing the main importance today, every TV brand out there is looking at different ways to make their TV slimmer than usual, lighter than before and probably ways to even camouflage the panel into walls to help blend into the living room’s décor. Priced at a good Rs 4,999, this speaker kit seems to be a great companion for their own range of televisions or other brands out there. The speakers are rugged, produce good audio and are very simple to install and deploy. The white colour, though a good looker, could tarnish easily with dust and dirt, and one has to ensure that the speakers are kept clean periodically as white shows dirty very easily. Performance is as promised by Xiaomi. Xiaomi, Mi, Soundbar, TV, Audio, Review. The Mi Soundbar is good enough for a mid-to-large sized room and is loud and crisp.Bass performance is as promised, while the mids and highs are also at par.Installation is pretty simple and straight forward. While the downsides are a few, such as lack of a dedicated remote controller, white colour that can be easily tarnished, a missing HDMI ARC input and a non-standard power input voltage, the price tag evens all this out at the end. These speakers are just enough to make your tin—can television speakers sound as they ought to sound. The Xiaomi Mi Soundbar can be said as one of the best and most affordable soundbars in the market. The front features the speaker grille that is encased in fabric to give it an elegant look. Speakers need room for performance, and slim TVs do not offer it that luxury, and hence soundbars can save your day. The audio does not distort at highest volumes too and we would recommend this for your existing setup to help you enhance your television viewing experience. The Mi Soundbar is a good alternative for getting better audio from your average-sounding television speakers.

It features two 20mm dome tweeters for producing high pitch notes and two 2. The speaker itself measures 3. But sadly, the Mi Soundbar is only available in a single colour — white. Today, sound bars are considered as the best companion that one can opt with their new elegant slim TVs. Rating: While televisions were in the CRT age, there were options to work on better sound output since there was enough room within the TV unit itself to incorporate larger and multiple speakers. We definitely recommend the Mi Soundbar if you want to enhance your television experience without spending a fortune. However, with thinner wall-mounting televisions taking centre stage, the audio section took a huge hit. One option we could recommend is to stitch yourself a leather or fabric case for the speaker so that it blends into the requirement while keeping the speaker safe from dust and dirt. As for the price, it is very affordable as compared to others out in the market, which is usually around twice the amount.As for the performance, we did not have any complaints, except for the missing remote controller. Using the SPDIF or Optical in are the best it has absolutely no loss in audio quality as compared to the headphone out or A/V out channels.6 inches wide, with eight drivers and an audio amplifier packed inside a single unit weighing close to 2Kgs. And these buttons also explains the inputs that the Mi Soundbar supports. Let’s take a close look at what the Mi Soundbar has on offer

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India will take on England in the three-match

He has problem with the short-pitch deliveries and Bumrah cashes in on his weakness. The white ball is providing bounce and moving a lot after hitting the pitch.India : 166/4 from 30 oversIndia : 133/4 from 25. The English man tried to cut Jadeja, didn&China Rubber gasket Suppliers39;t connect with the ball and he's knocked over.3 oversLiam Plunkett strikes , Yuvraj Singh caught at deep mid wicket by Sam Billings for 45 runsIndia: 102/3 from 20 oversIndia: 102/3 from 19.England: 194/3 from 33. Yuvraj Singh and Ravindra Jadeja are operating for India from both ends. Roy and Billings have managed to keep their wickets intact and have also scored runs with flurry of boundariesEngland: 27/0 from 5 oversAfter a good start by Indian bowlers Jason Roy (18 runs) and his new partner Sam billings (8 runs) have slowly picked up the pace in their batting, with Roy looking in good touch and dispatching bad balls for boundaries.Though today’s match at Eden Garden will be a dead rubber, It will be an opportunity for Team India to test their bench strength, with Champions Trophy just couple of months away.India : 173/4 from 31.England: 98/1 from 17.After been hammered in the recently concluded test series Team England were hoping for a better showing in the ODIs, with their specialists brought back in the side – but things have not gone as per the plan. Pandya going for expnsive shot only to miss the ball that disturbes his middle stumps.India 316/9 from 50 overs: England win by 5 runs! Kedar Jadhav put up a valiant effort and brought India tantalisingly close to victory but Chris Woakes kept his composure to seal England’s five-wicket win.4 oversAnother wicket for Jake Ball, Dhoni departs for 25 caught by Buttler behind the stumps. Virat Kohli was appointed India’s captain across all formats ahead of the ongoing series after MS Dhoni stepped down as ODI and T20 captain.Squads:India: Virat Kohli (c), Ravichandran Ashwin, Jasprit Bumrah, Shikhar Dhawan, MS Dhoni (wk), Ravindra Jadeja, Kedar Jadhav, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Amit Mishra, Manish Pandey, Hardik Pandya, Ajinkya Rahane, Lokesh Rahul, Umesh Yadav, Yuvraj .

Eoin Morgan (c), Moeen Ali, Jonny Bairstow, Jake Ball, Sam Billings, Jos Buttler (wk), Liam Dawson, Liam Plunkett, Adil Rashid, Joe Root, Jason Roy, Ben Stokes, David Willey, Chris Woakes. In second ODI at Cuttack, Yuvraj Singh and MS Dhoni brought their experience into the play and posted centuries to help India clinch the match and the series by 15 runs. England have dropped the match?India: 52/2 from 10 oversJake Ball and David Willy have taken a wicket apiece to put India on backfoot. Rahul provided early flourish , but Willy dismissed Rahane cheaply , Rahul too perished soon after to Jake Ball. Good length ball takes top edge of Dhoni's bat and goes safely into wicket keepers glove.India: 37/2 from 6 oversAnother Wicket for England Jake Ball gets wicket of KL Rahul caught by Jos Buttler for 11runsIndia: 27/1 from 5 oversEngland strike early,India got off to a flyer thanks to KL Rahul , but David Willy struck the first blow when he clean bowled Ajinkya Rahane .India: 291/7 from 47 overs16 of the over but India lose Jadeja caught by Bairstrow off Chris Woakes, Jadhav at crease India still in with the chanceIndia: 279/6 from 46 oversBen Stokes strikes again and this time he clean bowled's Hardik Pandya for 55 runs. Jonny Bairstow was looking good after a half century until he cuts the Pandya's third delivery to backard point where Jadeja takes the catch.India 193/5 from 35 oversAlthough unconvincingly, Hardik Pandya is settling down as he and Kedar look eager to score some quick runs.England 195/4 from 34 oversWICKET! Jos Butler throws away his wicket.England: 1/0 from 1 over Bhuvneshwar Kumar bowled the first over and kept it very tight. Will England be able to defend the total and avoid clean sweep?England: 263/6 from 45 oversWICKET! Moeen Ali gets beaten by a bouncer. Once again. The only run came off a wide delivery. The matches so far in the ongoing series has been an one sided affair.

Stokes remained unbeaten on 57 off 39 balls while Chris Woakes scored 34 from 19 balls. Last 10 overs to go. Jason Roy cleaned bowled for 65.4 oversOut! second wicket for India. Kohli top-edged a Liam Plunkett delivery to the third-man and Ball dropped an easy catch.Meanwhile the Kohli era has begun on a winning note for Team India.India has won the toss and have elected to bowl first against England at Eden GardensKolkata: Team India will look to extend their winning streak, when they take on England in the third and final ODI which will be played at Eden Gardens in Kolkata on Sunday.3 oversAnother wicket for Hardik Pandya, his third of the match.England: 43/0 from 10 oversEngland batsman have struggled to get going on the Eden pitch. Hardik Pandya takes his second wicket.England: 127/2 from 25 oversEngland: 110/2 from 19.India 275/5 from 45 oversHalf centuries by Hardik Pandya and Kedar Jadhav keeps India in hunt. Ball hits his bat, touches the helmet and settles into the hands of Ravindra Jadeja at the backward point.England 321/8 from 50 overs:Ben Stokes late flourish help England reach 321 after hiccups in the middle overs.England: 80/0 from 15oversIt hasn't been an easy ride for the openers but they have made a solid start for the visiting team, Roy (45) is slowly inching towards his third fifty in the series. England will need to scalp a couple of wickets to knock India out of the contest.4 oversOut! Hardik Pandya strikes for India, picks up big wicket of Eoin Morgan who is caught by Bumrah at short fine leg for 43 runsEngland: 164/2 from 30 oversAfter losing openers Morgan and Bairstow have steadied England's innings with 54 run stand for third wicket. Sam Billings out, caught by Jasprit Bumrah off Jadeja's bowling.Ajinkya Rahane might get the nod over Dhawan after his poor run continued in first two games.4 oversWicket for England !

Ben Stokes gets a big breakthrough for England, gets the wicket of Virat Kohli caught by Jos Buttler behind the stumps for 55 runsIndia: 74/2 from 15 oversDROPPED! You just can not drop Virat Kohli but Jake Ball has just done that.India: 229/5 from 40 oversHardik Pandya and Kedar Jadhav are stitching a good partnership to keep India in game. In the first match at Pune, Virat Kohli and Kedhar Jadhav’s centuries helped India chase down the mammoth target of 351 set by England.India 14/1 from 2 overs:WICKET! David Willey has disturbed the timber. After the ODI series, India will take on England in the three-match T20 series beginning January 26 at Green Park, Kanpur.2 oversOut! First wicket for India. England Cricketers greets each other after they wins in 3rd ODI Match in Kolkata. The pair also stitched together century standIndia: 246/5 from 42 overs12 runs coming off Stokes over Jadhav reaches half century with a boundary keeps India on track towards victory.India: 299/8 from 48 oversStokes finishes his 10 overs, England are two wickets away from victory, Indian banking on Kedar Jadhav to see them through.India took an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match series at Cuttack after they beat England by 15 runs in the second ODI.Jadeja gets his second wicket of the match. With Virat Kohli and Yuvraj Singh in the middle for India hoping to steady the ship

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was also during this time that factory workers

However, it was only during the 1900s that automation made giant strides into our homes and started influencing our day-to-day lives. The only downside was that since the system relied heavily on power lines, it was susceptible to electrical interference. For instance, its ‘White Christmas’ episode shows a smart home, which is fully controlled by an adorable, egg-shaped AI named ‘Cookie’.In 1975, a Scottish company named Pico Electronics launched the first home automation technology – the X10. In fact, looking at the rapid progress of technology, living the Jetson’s life is a really close possibility. Along with smart speakers, robotic cleaners, smart lights, cameras and locks have become a part of the way we complete everyday tasks, and we have grown to accept their presence gladly. While the functionality of ECHO IV was questionable, it certainly caught the media’s attention. Although the series as a theme tries to paint a bleak picture of technology’s role for dramatic purposes, come to think of it, rapidly transforming technology has brought nothing but convenience to us till now. For instance, the concept of ‘smart homes’ which ‘White Christmas’ dealt with, in reality pose no danger to humanity.As 2019 dawns on us, entirely connected, easy-to-control smart homes are becoming increasingly commonplace. 2 years later, SmartThings, an app to monitor and control smart devices, home appliances, TVs, and speakers registered on the server. In 2010, Tony Fadell, who is better known as the designer of iPod, introduced his own company “Nest” to build advanced, Wi-Fi enabled smart devices like smoke alarms and thermostat.

For instance, Disney’s 1999 flick “Smart House”, depicted a household entirely controlled by an artificial intelligence system called PAT.. Thus was born the demand for modern electrically-powered home appliances such as vacuum cleaners, toasters, blenders and sewing machines, which started making their way to the affluent households during this time. However, it was not until 2000s that the smart home revolution started gaining its momentum. The invention of microcontrollers dared us to imagine a future where smart homes would be the norm. Pulak Satish Kumar, COO, Puresight Systems speaks to Deccan Chronicle on how home automation came into existence and how it will change the future ahead. In 2014, Samsung bought the company for a whopping 200 million. Thanks to the X10 system, consumers could control all electrical appliances and devices to automate a series of tasks through transmitters.In 1939, just before the Second World War, speculations continued to grow as the Popular Mechanics magazine, in an article titled "The Electric Home of the Future" described cooking devices that use "short-wave radio frequency" and "electrical means of recording news reports and pictures as soon as the news happens. The concept of smart homes began influencing pop culture as well. Made by an engineer named Jim Sutherland, it was claimed to have the ability to control a home’s temperature, turn the appliances on/off and make shopping lists. For instance, the first vacuum cleaner was invented by Hubert Cecil Booth of England in 1901. Currently, however, it has become commonplace and might soon be the way we live in the future.33rd Day Of Lockdown Total Cases 26,283 1,835 Recovered 5,939 443 Deaths 825 44 Maharashtra76281076323 Gujarat3071282133 Delhi262586954 Rajasthan208351334 Madhya Pradesh194528199

Taking giant strides- During the 1960s and beyondThen came the world’s first home computer – ECHO IV or the Electronic Computing Home Operator. Research shows that the global smart home automation market is expected to reach a whopping 21 billion US dollars by 2020. With numerous companies now coming up with different kinds of smart home products, smart homes are no longer considered a figment of our imagination." Although work on home automation came to a halt as most of the research was focused to augment the war efforts, these predictions proved true and these products turned into a reality that finds its place in every household today. At that time, “Smart House” was also known as “cybertecture," basically a combination of computer control and architectural design.Fast forward a couple of years, the home automation industry was taken aback with the arrival of AI-based smart home speakers like Google Home, Amazon Echo devices, and more recently Apple’s HomePod.In 1984,The National Association of Home Builders coined the term “Smart House” in 1984 to consider the idea of utilizing technology in enhancing the efficiency of home design manifold. In the same year, the Taiwanese tech giant joined hands with Dell and Intel to create the Open Interconnect Consortium, an industry standard to define connectivity requirements for the potentially billions of IoT devices we are surrounded with.Transforming at the speed of thought-1990s to the presentThe 90s were a significant time in the history of home automation. If anything, they make our lives easier and more convenient. Let’s briefly explore the history of home automation through the ages to understand its evolution and what surprises automated homes hold for us in the future:Early 1900s to the Second World War-A time when automation was a noveltyMan’s trust with machines had begun during mid 1700s with the arrival of the Industrial revolution. It was also during this time that factory workers and executives living across suburban towns and villages could not really afford the high غير مجاز مي باشدts of domestic workers, and wanted to look for a convenient, غير مجاز مي باشدt-effective option. Research shows that the global smart home automation market is expected to reach a whopping 21 billion US dollars by 2020. However, the concept, either at a blueprint stage or through pilot projects, has been around for a while now. And, it will not be an exaggeration to say that these products paved the way for what we call a connected home today. While at that time Rubber Products Manufacturers these products seemed like a distant dream, they have now become an essential part of modern houses. Black Mirror, the internationally acclaimed, popular Netflix series, has struck a chord with viewers all around the world thanks to its thought-provoking, dystopian tales about the near-future

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